I was just surfing the Internet when I came across a very interesting website and I thought I might share it with you.
The link is from the Quiz Farm and after you answer 18 questions it will tell you which manga character you are.
I Scored as Jing from Jing: King of Bandits
It was a tie so I had to answer another question.
Rest of Scores
Naruto ----------------------83%
Yoh Asakura---------------67%
Renton ----------------------50%
Monkey D. Luffy ----------17%
Sasuke ----------------------17%
I didn’t know who that was so I Googled him. He’s this guy.
See what Manga Character you get
Link- http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/monkeyfish/which-manga-character-are-you/#
Ha! You even look like him (if you spiked your hair up). Buy a yellow jacket :) Great internet site - you're doing awesome here - well done
That is a good site Matt. I agree with miss Talbot, play hair dressers with your hair and spike it all up and put a yellow jacket on and take a photo! ahaha!